I am using Ubuntu Natty on my laptop. While unplugged screen fades out, gets a little bit darker. It is great for the battery.

The question is how I can adjust the time before the fades out. Now it is something like 5 seconds.

When I read I must hold my finger on the touchpad in order to be not annoying of the brightness shifts every time.

1 or 5 minutes should be better.

I looked for it in Compiz configuration with no success....

Thank you in advance.

3 Answers 3


This should be configurable using the gconf-editor:

  1. Press Alt + F2, type gconf-editor and press Enter.

  2. In the gconf-editor find the key


    and set it to the desired value (in seconds):

    enter image description here

  • Great. Thank you very much! it was just the thing I needed! Love Ubuntu. May 8, 2011 at 20:40

[Update for Oneiric - 11.10]

I couldn't find the setting mentioned by htorque in Oneiric.

Instead, in the "Screen" settings (open the dashboard, type "Screen", select the "Screen" application), there is a "Dim screen to save power" checkbox.

Screen Settings

Uncheck it, and the screen won't fade out anymore.


In Oneiric you need to use dconf-editor: org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power idle-dim-time [set to whatever you want]

It seems like it would be easy to create an interface that enables users to set all this stuff. I don't like how Oneiric has all the config UIs spread out in little pieces now. It makes more sense to have a unified UI for power management with all the settings that most users are going to want to change. Definitely a step backwards.

Without a good set of default config UIs you get what we've always had on Linux: a bunch of overlapping config tools that help unwitting users fubar their systems.

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