After following all the guides, I've managed to configure juju in the local environment inside a virtualbox guest machine, but after deploying any service (wordpress,juju-gui), they load to the point where I get a local IP address, but they get stuck in pending status. When I check the logs, It shows this error in every service :

ERROR juju runner.go:211 worker: exited "uniter": ModeInstalling {service-name}:git init failed: exec: "git": executable file not found in $PATH.

I tried to apt-get git but it didn't work...

Updated Info :

The host OS is OS X Mavericks, VirtualBox is 4.3.6 using bridged networking, Ubuntu is the latest Ubuntu Cloud 13.10. In order to install everything, first I had to add more repositories to the system (universe,multiverse,etc.), then I did an apt-get juju-local, afterwards I had to create a new bridge in order to add my local ethernet interface to the lxc container (replaced lxcbr0 with br0) and configure lxc and the juju local config to use it. Then I bootstraped, deployed and exposed a couple of services( juju-gui, wordpress) and now I'm stuck in the situation with the error. I´ve pinged my host machine and external ip and I get connectivity, so I assume that´s not the issue.

Update II : Doing more tests I found out the error is that the containers don't have internet connection, I can ping the host but not the router or any other node in the network, thus while trying to download the dependecies, in this case git, they fail to load. So the question would be how to setup lxc containers with virtualbox bridge network connection. It's similar to this https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/70597/using-a-bridge-an-lxc-container-cant-ping-router-but-the-host-os-can but I can ping the laptop and I'm using a briged network instead of NAT

  • 1
    Can you expand your question a bit, what's the host OS, what version of virtual box, what version of Ubuntu in the vm, how did you install Juju, etc.
    – hatch
    Jan 26, 2014 at 17:12
  • Can you explain in more detail why you did this: "...I had to create a new bridge in order to add my local ethernet interface to the lxc container (replaced lxcbr0 with br0) and configure lxc and the juju local config to use it." It seems like you're changing the way LXC subsystem works and then you expect juju to use your changes. It's not clear though what where you trying to accomplish by doing it. Have you tried following the documentation (juju.ubuntu.com/docs)? It should work just as well in a virtualbox VM, you won't even need to tweak the network setup.
    – dimitern
    Jan 27, 2014 at 11:59
  • 1
    I did it in order to access the VM from outside, following this guide : askubuntu.com/a/282415/239990 Jan 27, 2014 at 13:30
  • It is necessary in order to access the services outside of the VM, as I mentioned, I do have connectivity between host and the services, I can ping them, but then this error shows up... Jan 27, 2014 at 13:36
  • Thanks for pointing out that question. I added a comment there about changing the "network-bridge" setting in environments.yaml to "br0" (the same you put in lxc.network.link=). Try that and see if it will solve your issue.
    – dimitern
    Jan 30, 2014 at 17:44

1 Answer 1


I think what I'm trying to do it´s impossible because of how VirtualBox implements bridge networking, here is a post I found that comments on this : https://lists.linuxcontainers.org/pipermail/lxc-users/2013-September/005696.html

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