The Toshiba AC100 netbook is a Tegra 2 machine.

Is there a possibility that I might be able to install Ubuntu (any version) on it?


5 Answers 5


For people to have at least one direct answer: (yes there is a Ubuntu kernel in this url)


This is a guide on how to do it - You shouldn't risk trying it if you don't know what you're doing: http://salaliitto.com/~gildean/ac100/wiki/phh/

(and whenever they use Ubuntu5.tar.lzma you take the Ubuntu7.tar.gz and whenever they use boot.img you use boot.32.img)

--- but before you do anything of it, try your luck with the guide as it is...

I don't take any responsibility for broken devices


Work is actively in progress to add support for the AC100 to Ubuntu as part of the 11.10 release. Until this is complete (or for previous releases), there are a variety of recommendations floating around on the internet.

For my own device (not an AC100, but the dynabook from which the AC100s derive), I have had great success with the materials made available by the AC100 team in launchpad. The description of the PPA includes links to known working images and instructions for installation.


There is a couple of ways doing this. This is a guide on installing phh's latest ubuntu 10.10 image with .32 kernel. It has working sound, suspend etc. Check it out here: http://ac100.tunk.org/wiki/phh


At the present date, there's a how-to (last edited 2012-04-26) for the installation of the Ubuntu 12.04 on the Toshiba AC100:

Ubuntu Wiki :: Installing Ubuntu 12.04 on the AC100

Ubuntu on AC100 is currently an official demonstration of the Ubuntu ARM port and works fairly well. This page collects information necessary to get a working Ubuntu 12.04 port on the AC100.

Minimum requisites:

  • Mini-usb cable
  • Host computer with linux (virtual or physical)
  • Usb-stick or sd-card (min. 1GB)
  • About 1-2h of your life (depending on the download-time)

I could install in a similar machine. I had to boot the live cd with the options: acpi=off and noapic. After installation I had to edit grub to add this options.

  • ac100 doesn't have a cdrom drive nor does the istaller support the ac100 (yet). Hopefully for Oneiric ogra will have a working installer though.
    – turbo
    Sep 6, 2011 at 10:43

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