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How do I free up disk space?

I am running out of space on my notebook, so I thought I would delete some unused stuff.

I was thinking about:

Any other ideas?


4 Answers 4


Remove old kernel packages (leave the latest one or two). I'd suggest something like Synaptic for this and you want to search the Installed section for linux-image and linux-headers.

The linux-image and linux-headers for each kernel version combines to about 200MB of disk space. On an old system that has gone through a lot of updates, this can easily give you back a few gigabytes of space.

  • 2
    This has also a nice side-effect of having a smaller boot menu. I smiled when I saw two screens of kernels (at the GRUB boot menu) at a friend :p
    – Lekensteyn
    Apr 7, 2011 at 13:32

A sudo apt-get clean will remove cached .debs that are sitting on disk from updates.


I usually remove

  • apps I don't use
  • usused fonts, themes and icons

You could also identify files that you don't often use and compress them. In particular, plain text files that are GZipped can still be read via the terminal with less.

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