I use guake as a sort of "run" command, because my lxde launcher often misbehaves. So I just enter the command line in guake followed by & (So I get back the control of the console). Is there a way to configure the terminal to automatically append & to all the commands I enter, or any other way to make it behave like I am adding & sign to my commands

  • Or you could use an application launcher, like gmrun.
    – user55822
    Jun 19, 2013 at 15:44

2 Answers 2


Bind adding & and new line after pressing Enter key:

bind 'RETURN: "&\n"'

Needing to do the same thing, I started creating BASH aliases a couple of years ago, and my .bash_aliases file now counts 164 lines. The same file is also synchronized among my workstations, for convenience.

An example of a line in which a & in the end is useful is:

alias winserver='rdesktop winserver &'

I hope this works for you.

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