I have installed Frama-C on 13.04 via apt-get.

However, after installation, I can not run it. When I type frama-c in terminal; nothing happens.

Also frama-c doesn't appear in the dash! I have checked software center and it was checked as installed and also I got output from frama-c --version

How can I detect the problem?

1 Answer 1


Try frama-c-gui in a terminal.

frama-c is a command line application and does not have graphical front end.

frama-c-gui is a graphical front end to it and is installed when you install frama-c

From the Man Page


frama-c is a suite of tools dedicated to the analysis of source code written in C. It gathers several static analysis techniques in a single collaborative framework. This framework can be extended by additional plugins placed in the $FRAMAC_PLUGIN directory. The command

frama-c -help will provide the full list of the plugins that are currently installed.

frama-c-gui is the graphical user interface of frama-c. It features the same options as the command-line version.

frama-c.byte and frama-c-gui.byte are the ocaml bytecode versions of the command-line and graphical user interface respectively.

By default, Frama-C recognizes .c files as C files needing pre-processing and .i files as C files having been already pre-processed. Some plugins may extend the list of recognized files. Pre-processing can be customized through the -cpp-command and -cpp-extra-args options.

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