I'm compiling Ekiga from source. Apparently I have installed all the necessary dependencies because I don't get any errors when running ./configure. There is one feature that I can't seem to enable however. The output from ./configure shows mDNS/DNS-SD support : disabled Is there a missing dependency that I should install to enable this feature?

2 Answers 2


You have to start configure with the AVAHI support, like this.

./configure --enable-avahi

This is what I got from the configure script.

--enable-avahi          enable mDNS support (default is disabled)

But, I suppose, this will not break the installation. You might miss the avahi after installation. Honestly, I don't even know what avahi is.

  • Excellent! And more important than just finding the solution to my problem you have shown me where I should look when I have a similar problem (i.e. the configure script). When I have enough reputation to upvote your answer, I will. May 18, 2013 at 6:39

You can have a look at ekiga's build dependencies on it's packages.ubuntu.com source package page.

From your commandline, you can install build dependencies automatically by using sudo apt-get build-dep ekiga.

  • hmm... I just now did a sudo apt-get install <package-name> for each of the mentioned packages (in your link) and although I didn't yet have liblaunchpad-integration-dev it still didn't enable the above mentioned feature. I wonder if that means it perhaps isn't a dependency issue? I guess there is also the possibility that the dependencies for the Ubuntu version don't include a certain dependency needed for the latest 4.0.1 version which I'm compiling. May 18, 2013 at 0:23
  • Oh. Sorry, didn't read carefully enough. Is sudo apt-get build-dep ekiga the same as sudo apt-get installing each of the dependencies in that list? May 18, 2013 at 0:28

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