Is there a way to make my own shortcuts for terminal in gedit?

I mean, for example if I want to compile a C++ source, when I press F9 I want it to make g++ source_file.cpp (this is only an example)


1 Answer 1


For the command itself, you can use aliases.

Edit ~/.bash_aliases and add your alias like this:

alias foobar="g++ /location/of/file/file.cpp" Where foobar is the name of the custom command.

Then do . ~/.bash_aliases to reload the file.

As far as the hotkey part, I'll come back and add to my answer if I figure anything out about that, or hopefully someone else will know.

EDIT: Here is the full answer to your question (as best I can tell): Custom keyboard shortcut to lauch a terminal and run a command in Unity. It looks like it renders the alias section void, but I will leave it there.

EDIT2: Via http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-433538.html, check out gedit external tools: https://live.gnome.org/Gedit/Plugins/ExternalTools. This will give you a variable for your current file name for use in the command.

  • Ok, this is good, but, I actually want something else. For example, if I have in gedit one opened file, named FILE, I want to press F9 and I want it to compile my file.. for example g++ FILE. In VIM I know you have the '%' , but in gedit I can't find nothing :(. Anyway, thank you for helping me :) Apr 7, 2013 at 15:48
  • Think I have an answer for you. Edited it in!!
    – Gary
    Apr 7, 2013 at 15:51

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