Each time I switch to manual configuration, of wired connection in Ubuntu 12.10, the save button gets grayed out. As soon as I start setting it in Manually, it gets grayed out.Please help !

One more thing, system continuously displays a message at the top-right corner of the screen, saying:

Wired Network- Not connected

  • 1
    I've had the apply button not un-grey when the netmask put the gateway on a different subnet to the chosen IP. Really frustrating that there's zero error reporting for this.
    – jozxyqk
    Aug 7, 2017 at 23:22
  • I needed to check the "No CA certificate is required" on the security tab. Jan 17, 2019 at 18:42
  • This seems to be a bug. I set up a (working) wifi connection. Everything was normal, but after a system reboot, I'm no longer able to edit this connection. So, (provably so), all information is correct. Yet, I can't save after making any (even minor) changes, e.g. checking or unchecking "all users may connect to this network". None of the solutions I'm finding provide a clear, general-case workaround yet.
    – MRule
    Jul 21, 2022 at 7:34

4 Answers 4


Found the solution: It's a GUI problem: When adding static IP you may end up with an 'invisible' blank line in the list of IP addresses which prevents saving settings - just click below your IP address and delete the blank entry.

  • this works, but for some weird reason even after saving and exiting out of the configuration I had to reboot for the changes to take effect
    – Michael
    Oct 14, 2018 at 21:20
  • Doesn't work for me. No blank entry.
    – Calmarius
    Apr 8, 2020 at 15:52
  • This worked for me with one small caveat. I had to add a blank line and then delete the blank line I just added. In my case, I didn't have a blank line just as Calmarius stated. Aug 23, 2022 at 18:42

The button is greyed-out if there a missing or wrong information filled in the fields. Make sure you put it in like this:

  • IP Address:
  • Netmask: 24
  • Gateway:
  • DNS: (not required for having a save-button)

Otherwhise please give us a Screenshot.

  • 2
    I put the same info and still the button is greyed out. Ubuntu network GUI is broken.
    – dev_nut
    Mar 10, 2018 at 23:21

I faced the same problem, the way around is to do it from command line. Go to the file /etc/network/interfaces and change it to

auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet static
    address xx.xx.xx.xx
    netmask xx.xx.xx.xx
    gateway xx.xx.xx.xx
    dns-nameservers xx.xx.xx.xx
    dns-search xx

where you have to fill the xx given by your ISP.

Then from commandline do

sudo ifup eth0

In my experience this happens when information is missing. The so far mentioned answers are correct. I would also like to add additional scenario - wireless. In my case I had a 802.1x. I couldn't save the password I have entered in my setting post-creation of the profile itself. I forgot to add the certificate. After I did that it all worked fine and the Save button was enabled again. In this case I could have also chosen the option not to require a certificate but either way one of both had to be entered as information.

In short - always check if you have entered all the information that is required from you for the network profile you are creating.

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