I was playing around with GRUB, then I tried to reboot and I can't enter my operating systems (Windows and Ubuntu).

It looks like I've rewritten something very important because it only shows me the GRUB command line. I've tried to set root and then load vmlinuz, but it tells me that I need to specify some root option correctly.

I was doing a lot of things with grub and I don't remember everything exactly. I just remember that I tried something like grub-mkconfig recheck. I was also editing grub.cfg. I have read grub.cfg with cat and it looks normal.


1 Answer 1


Have you tried to boot with a LiveCD, and fix with Boot-Repair?

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair


It is straightforward to use, and worked for me before. basic UI

and it allows yo to change kernel options as well: advance UI


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