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Why does documentation tell me I am running 11.04 when it is 10.10?


I recently reinstalled my computer from a freshly downloaded CD. I did not select at any time to get an experimental version or beta. But right after the installation (and updating) System -> About Ubuntu tells me that:

You are using Ubuntu 11.04 - the Natty Narwhal - released in April 2011 and supported until October 2012.

Why is that so?

When I check Software Sources there are no pre-released updated enabled or other channels.

Is this jut a Bug in About Ubuntu or am I really running 10.04.

I got some sound, graphics and application issues, so I'm wondering if this could be the reason.


1 Answer 1


What you are searching is this: Why documentation says release is 11.04 instead of 10.10

  • When items are duplicates please flag or vote to close as duplicate instead of posting an answer. Jan 20, 2011 at 23:41

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