What is the role of the desktop environment in the architecture of a Linux-based operating system like Ubuntu?

Can anyone explain what a desktop environment is and how it relates to other components of the system?

  • This isn't strictly specific about Ubuntu and I'm sure it has been answered here Unix & Linux StackExchange Oct 1, 2012 at 22:34
  • @UriHerrera We allow lots of questions that also apply to other Unix-like operating systems. Furthermore, a good answer to this question could be posted, that addresses Ubuntu-specific aspects of the question. (For instance, it would be great to have an answer that explains what a desktop environment is and how Unity is not, contrary to what many people seem to believe, a desktop environment). Oct 2, 2012 at 4:32
  • We could answer a question like this on Unix & Linux, but read the Wikipedia article first. IF you still have questions AFTER READING THE WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE, feel free to ask them on U&L. Oct 2, 2012 at 20:00
  • sorry i forget linux unix stack exchange site.... Oct 4, 2012 at 13:17

1 Answer 1


In nutshell,

  1. The Linux Kernel runs on the hardware. (init and other essential processes start)

  2. After essential processes are up and running, Kernel runs X-server (another set of software).

  3. Desktop environment such as Gnome, KDE, DWM runs using the facilities provided by the X.

Everything works in layered fashion.

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