I'm trying to install Ubuntu on a Samsung ultrabook via a usb stick.

I've tried 12.04 both regular and alternate on 3 different USB sticks but not having success.

The laptop just keeps booting into windows.

I used unetbootin to create the USB image as this worked for when when doing a toshiba ultrabook installation.

I reset my Boot Menu to be

4 SATA HDD SanDisk SSD u100 128GB

Then F10'd but no success, still boots windows.

I've tried changing UEFI boot support to be enabled and I've tried changing PXE OPROM to be enabled but neither has helped.

  • Duplicate of: askubuntu.com/questions/181643/…
    – david6
    Sep 14, 2012 at 8:25
  • Not a duplicate of that question. See my answer Sep 15, 2012 at 0:27
  • In Series 9: 1. In BIOS set: USB HDD as the first option in Boot Priority 2. Change Fast Bio Mode to disabled. If that doesn't work try other USB pen. Aug 30, 2013 at 13:13

4 Answers 4


** -----> Found it! <----- **

The fix was pretty obsure and I had to test it out a bit to be sure.

Given how strange it was this may well help others who are stuck!

  • Reboot with f2 pressed.

  • Wait 10 seconds until you can use the left/right keys to change boot.

  • change the boot order putting the USB items first (3 in my case). Use f5/f6 keys.

and then...

on the advanced tab settings...

  • Change `Fast Bio Mode' to disabled.

  • Change USB s3 wake-up to enabled.

  • F10 to save and it will...

  • boot into Ubuntu from the USB key.

This took me 2 days to find!

  • After that, changing usb port worked for me Feb 8, 2014 at 11:35

Had the same issue, and I solved it (searching for 3 hours) by disabeling the boot on the HDD with CTRL + 1 in the boot sequence !


For me it worked by disabling the Secure Boot in the BIOS

  • Preventing the Windows reboot is attained "disabling the Secure Boot in the BIOS" Dec 25, 2012 at 16:47

following on from: Trouble installing Ubuntu with USB on laptop

Create new USB Startup media using Ubuntu on your Toshiba.

  • I did this and it wasn't the fix. Sep 15, 2012 at 0:27
  • Sorry, my answer was too brief. The issue was EITHER (a.) Needed better USB install media; OR (b.) Needed to manually force BIOS-boot to choose ONLY the correct device. Your method achieved a variant of (b.), by making boot-order (notoriously unreliable) work correctly.
    – david6
    Sep 15, 2012 at 1:18

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