http://stuffthatspins.com/2011/01/08/ubuntu-10-x-completely-remove-and-clean-mysql-installation/ shows how to reinstall everything.

I want to do something like this without reinstalling data.

Obviously I can't execute this: delete preferences(the next find command will delete everything):

rm -rf /etc/mysql

find all files with “mysql” on / and delete them:

find / -iname ‘mysql*’ -exec rm -rf {} \;

Then I run

sudo aptitude purge mysql-server
sudo aptitude install mysql-server

But then I run into problem because I can't access some mysql-bin.0000x is not writeable or something.

If I keep mysql-bin.index empty or deleted it I got complaint that files are empty or inaccessible. I think the issue is that mysql doesn't have permission to access those file. However, I can't give them permission because the installation is supposedly automatic.

So what should I do?

This is for amazon-ec2

  • when you say I cant set the permissions, you used sudo chmod 777FILE-NAME ? btw 777 is kinda a security risk: tinyurl.com/cv6psay
    – Dr_Bunsen
    Aug 7, 2012 at 9:17
  • Hnmmm... I'll try that.
    – user4951
    Aug 8, 2012 at 15:18


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