I am writing an app using JAVA Swing for all platforms. After that I want to add this app to Ubuntu Software Center for free Is it possible?

My app is just one *.jar file, its helping to play card games.

I dont know Python language and saying the truth - dont want to learn it now.

What should I do to be able to submit my app?

1 Answer 1


Before uploading to ubuntu software center here is a guide for packing .jar into deb, It is not necessary to package your application before submitting to ubuntu software center , you can directly upload *.jar if it is closed source app , you should provide source code if it is an open source project. Canonical will package it for you


  1. How to get my software into Ubuntu?
  2. How do I package my application for the Ubuntu Software Centre?
  3. http://developer.ubuntu.com/
  4. http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/

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