I'd like to be able to pass a phone number to the phone application from within a preview of a scope.

  • Is that possible?
  • Is it done with action widgets?
  • Is there an example of this somewhere in JavaScript?

1 Answer 1


You are able to do it by specifying a tel: URI in a actions preview widget's url, e.g.:

var actions_widget = new scopes.lib.PreviewWidget("actionsId", "actions");
      "id": "call",
      "label": "Call",
      "uri": "tel:+555555555"

in the run() callback as you create a PreviewQuery

  • I've added your example. The widget is showing up, but empty as an orange rectangle. It also doesn't trigger the phone.
    – timaw
    Mar 2, 2016 at 0:20

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