I downloaded FreeOffice from here. Now I am trying to uninstall it by doing this command:

sudo dpkg -r softmaker-office

And it isn't working.

  • Did you try sudo apt-get remove softmaker-office?
    – Marc
    Oct 6, 2015 at 2:28
  • 2
    please refer here
    – Ravan
    Oct 6, 2015 at 2:31
  • @Marc : no work mate, i got this message 'E: Unable to locate package softmaker-office'
    – 6warrior
    Oct 6, 2015 at 13:53
  • 1
    @6warrior do this : dpkg -l | grep softmake*. Share the output. Oct 6, 2015 at 14:29
  • 1
    @6warrior "no success"?? what is the error?...run this sudo dpkg -r softmaker-office-2012 please comment after that.
    – Ravan
    Oct 6, 2015 at 15:28

4 Answers 4


Since all other answers are outdated and not working, here is the working answer.

First open your terminal and enter

dpkg --get-selections | grep softmaker

to know what components are installed on you PC. This will give you like following output:

softmaker-freeoffice-2016:i386          install 

Now you know what is installed so to remove with the following:

sudo dpkg -r "component name"   

i.e. for given output: sudo dpkg -r softmaker-freeoffice-2016:i386

that should solve everyone's problem.


Look for the freeoffice directory in your home directory. (If the folder can't be found there, but you know you have the software installed, execute sudo find / -iname freeoffice) Delete that folder and all of its contents (either by dragging it to the trash and emptying the trash can, or my executing sudo -rf freeoffice from its parent folder.)

There is also a .softmaker folder either in ~/ or in / (if the program was installed as root). Delete it also.

Go to ~/.local/share/applications (or /usr/local/share/appliations or /usr/share/application) and execute sudo rm *-free.desktop to remove the icons associated with the programs. This will also remove the programs from the "Open With" menu.

Finally, there is a SoftMaker directory in ~/ (or /), which should also be deleted.


Appending to Aizuddin Zali's grep command:

after running the command dpkg -l | grep softmake* , i noted that the package name was softmaker-freeoffice-2016

Then, ran command, sudo apt-get remove softmaker-freeoffice-2016 . That's all.


First, change to root user instance

sudo su

This installs locate if you don't have it.

apt install -y mlocate

Update files' location database


Locate uninstaller, get first of the list and run it

locate uninstallfreeoffice|head -1|sh
  • 3
    piping the first locate result into sh in a root shell is a bad idea. At least check the result first!
    – Zanna
    Apr 26, 2018 at 18:12
  • you probably would like to tell the user how to exit the root-shell. I can't see a reason for entering it. sudo + command works fine and makes less trouble in newbies hand.
    – Cutton Eye
    Apr 27, 2018 at 2:37

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