When i ssh to ubuntu thru putty using username, it prompts for password. I want to change the format of the word "password". below is the current format.

Using username "kraj". [email protected]'s password:

I want to change it to

Using username "kraj". [email protected]'s type password:

Is it possible. can somebody guide me.

1 Answer 1


Edit the /etc/sudoers file using the sudo visudo /etc/sudoers command.

Add a line:

Defaults passprompt="Using username %u. %u@%h's password:"

to it. Save. (Using Ctrl+O) And then exit (using Ctrl+X).

Note the %u and %h values. They will be replaced with the username and hostname respectively.

UPDATE: So, this won't change the PuTTY password prompt. This will only change your system's password prompt when you use sudo.

To change the PuTTY prompt, you'll have to change the prompt in the PuTTY source code.

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