I created a samba share with anonymous access.
I changed the permissions/ownership of all files and folder to root. I can read, write and delete to the share.

now I installed a torrent program (deluge). I set the download dir to the share (its local). Whenever deluge downloads a file it creates with its own user "deluge".

I cant read, but can't delete the file from the share because I dont have the permission. What do i have to do?

1 Answer 1


you have many solutions to this case

  1. add your user as a member of the group deluge
  2. change ownership of created files by deluge
  3. change permissions of the newly created files

Add your user as a member of the group deluge

sudo usermod group-name user-name

change ownership of created files by deluge

sudo chown username:username /path-to-files-created-by-deluge

change permissions of the newly created files

sudo chmod 777 /path-to-files-created-by-deluge

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