I have researched the whole day but it seems there are no good plugins that work well with chrome.

I tried these plugins:

But it seems they do not work well. When I Right-Click and choose download it does not show inprocess downloading.

I need such a plugin because I need to download a file that I had logged in like on the drive.google.com site.

1 Answer 1


Please try this web ui. This basically by Javascript and connect to aria2 by 6800 port

Webui-aria2 by ziahamza

After downloading to use it do following

  1. run command

aria2c --enable-rpc=true -D --check-certificate=false --rpc-allow-origin-all=true --rpc-listen-all=true -s 10 -x 10 -k 1M

  • -s : min connection each server/host
  • -x : max connection each server/host
  • -k : min-split-size

    1. extract downloaded files and run index.html

    2. enjoy your download manager.

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