I've edited /etc/security/limits.conf and change the first line to

#<domain> #<type> #<item> #<value>
*         soft    core    unlimited

but the vmware.log of VMware Workstation still says:

No core dump taken. The core dump size limit is zero.

Is there any other setting I should modify? Thanks.

I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 64 bit, 2.6.38-generic.

  • What ulimit -a says? And syslog report something? Have you logged in again after editing the file? I would also try hard core.
    – enzotib
    Jul 21, 2011 at 5:28
  • Thank you, enzotib. The 'ulimit -a' says the 'core file size (blocks, -c) 0'. So I guess the my modification in the limits.conf didn't work. I tried hard core (by changing the <type> from 'soft' to 'hard'), but it didn't work either. the core file size still be 0.
    – Landy
    Jul 22, 2011 at 2:02

2 Answers 2


I am guessing that you are running the crashing process as root. If that is the case, change the domain from '*' to 'root'. The limit.conf lines that contain the wildcard (a.k.a. '*') does not affect the 'root' account.


/etc/security/limits.conf sets the limits, not the defaults. To actually use it you have to run ulimit -c unlimited in the shell you are using.

As with any shell commands to be run in every shell, this can be put in, for example, ~/.bashrc (per user) or /etc/bash.bashrc (all users).

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