Currently I have mysql 5.5 installed localy.

How can I install and use mysql 5.1 server?

I also need to be able to go back to 5.5. at one point.

  • Are you sure you want that? A 5.5 database will NOT be compatible with 5.1 so you will need to restart from scratch and manually fix you data dump... I would fix the problem that prevents you from using 5.5 ;)
    – Rinzwind
    Aug 27, 2014 at 9:30

1 Answer 1


It will not downgrade with 5.5 config files.

apt-get purge mysql* -y

find / |grep -i mysql

And backup and remove all folders, then install mysql 5.1.

As for upgrading to 5.5, use apt-get upgrade.

Don't forget to DUMP all your databases (mysqldump or phpmyadmin)!

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