So I installed Ubuntu Server on my Asus Chromebox, all works great except I have a strange issue.

Ubuntu won't boot unless I have a hdmi display plugged in

I've tested this over and over. If I plug in the HDMI Display it boots and runs as expected, but since I wanted to run this as a server and SSH into the box, not if wont boot.

Is there a check I need to uncheck for the HDMI Display?

NOTE: I have command line access only, no gui

EDIT: Here is the installation process I'm following

3 Answers 3


I had the same issue. There is no software solution that I can find. What I did end up doing was buying the Fit PC Headless HDMI dongle. It's about $15, and mimics an attached HDMI display.



I was able to determine that either an HDMI or a USB keyboard (or in my case a spare Logitech unifying receiver) allow the system to boot.

When unplugged, the system is hard shut down instantly, no acpi suspend or anything like that. A little bizarre.


For future readers: I had the same issue (different hardware, though). This is what worked for me:

  1. Edit the grub config file:
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
  1. Uncomment (remove the # at the beginning of) the following line:

Be sure to save the file using Ctrl-O then Enter.

  1. Update grub:
sudo update-grub
  1. Reboot.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/v0ff1r/ubuntu_2204_server_wont_boot_without_hdmi_plugged

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