On an Ubuntu 12.04 system, I rotated my beagle board screen display to landscape mode and now the battery status indicator applet is disappeared. Is there any simple applet program to display the battery status in Ubuntu or any possible way to show the battery status indicator applet?

  • If all you need is just to know battery percentage, and not intimidated of using terminal just a little bit, refer to my answer here and you also can read the whole post on this topic: askubuntu.com/a/501389/295286 Aug 8, 2014 at 8:17

1 Answer 1


Make sure that the indicator-power is installed.

sudo apt-get install indicator-power

If it's installed though then you can try re-installing it.

sudo apt-get purge indicator-power

sudo apt-get install indicator-power


The whole indicator applet:Clone of the GNOME panel indicator applet

sudo apt-get install indicator-applet-complete

Unity Global Menu type applet: Clone of the GNOME panel indicator applet

sudo apt-get install indicator-applet-appmenu

Session applet: Clone of the GNOME panel indicator applet

sudo apt-get install indicator-applet-session

Win+Alt+Right click the panel if using Gnome-Classic or Alt+Right click the panel if using Gnome-Classic (No Effects)

Choose Add To Panel and add the following indicator

enter image description here



  • cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/uevent |grep POWER_SUPPLY_CAPACITY

  • in acpi

sudo apt-get install acpi

acpi -b

produces kind of:

Battery 0: Charging, 43%, 06:09:08 until charged

  • battery-status

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:iaz/battery-status && sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install battery-status

/usr/lib/battery-status/battery-status --indicator

  • have a look please at update. Aug 8, 2014 at 10:54
  • it works before rotating the screen after rotating the screen the battery status disappeared Aug 8, 2014 at 11:12
  • if anything wrong with the screen resolution in there then it might affect somehow so probably try installing arandr for better desktop configuring. Aug 8, 2014 at 11:15

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