I installed winpdb ( a python debugger ) . When I tried to run it's GUI version it showed this error

wxPython was not found.
wxPython 2.6 or higher is required to run the winpdb GUI.
wxPython is the graphical user interface toolkit used by Winpdb.
You can find more information on wxPython at http://www.wxpython.org/
The Unicode version of wxPython is recommended for Winpdb.
To use the debugger without a GUI, run rpdb2.

After this I installed wxPython by doing this sudo apt-get install python-wxgtk2.8 , which installed wxPython 2.8 version . But then when I again ran winpdb it is showing the same error and winpdb GUI is not running . Please help me with this .

1 Answer 1


For install wxPython try with :

sudo apt-get install python-wxglade python-wxversion python-wxgtk2.8 pyprompter python-pythoncard python-squaremap python-wxgtk2.8-dbg python-wxmpl python-wxtools pythoncard pythoncard-doc pythoncard-tools

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