I installed Ubuntu some time ago, and it went bad. I then uninstalled it, and a few weeks later reinstalled it and it went fine. Later I uninstalled it also because of some problems, and after all of that I saw that I had still two Ubuntu boot options on my UEFI manager (image below). Windows booting is functioning well.

Now I want to install the newest version of Ubuntu, but first I want to correct all things. So, what I would like to know is if it's ok to just select the Delete boot option for both of them.

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


In short: Yes.

To elaborate a bit: Those boot options are stored in your motherboard's NVRAM, and point to files on your hard disk that either no longer exist or that are non-functional if they still exist. Deleting those entries (using efibootmgr from a Linux live CD, bcfg from an EFI shell, or sometimes from the EFI setup utility's built-in user interface) will simply delete something non-functional. Be sure to delete the correct entries, though -- you don't want to accidentally delete your Windows boot loader entry!

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