I have file a bug in launchpad ubuntu. They asked me to run "apport-collect 1311262". I am unsure how to do this. Please help me do this. Thanks.


1 Answer 1


Simply type apport-collect 1311262 on the terminal. Apport will open your default browser and send you to the launchpad site where the bug was reported. You might need to install python-apport first, just in case so:

sudo apt-get install python-apport

apport-collect simply gathers needed information about your hardware, settings and more for that report (In this case 1311262) as seen by the number shown at the end of the URL:

https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/1311262 <--- Number at the end is used with apport-collect.

This way apport knows where to send the gathered information.

For creating a non existing bug, apport-bug is used, similar to ubuntu-bug. For example in your case of having a compiz issue, you could do ubuntu-bug compiz or apport-bug compiz and that would gather the needed information in the first place.

For more information about bug reporting see How do I report a bug?

  • How does this work on servers which only have CLI not GUI and without browsers?
    – karthik v
    Sep 4, 2018 at 22:15
  • 1
    @karthikvee You need to use for that particular case apport-cli which does not rely on GUI. apport-collect is just to add information to an existing bug report, while apport-cli is used to create a new bug report. They also offer the option of creating a file, then you would submit that file after you download it later to launchpad (using a browser for example). Sep 4, 2018 at 23:29

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