I know, this is a very stupid question and the answer is out there in Googleland. But I just can't find it.

I want to start a process/program (e.g. firefox) in bash and keep working with the terminal. Is there a way to do this?

Thanks in advance, Markus


1 Answer 1


You have to send it to the background, by putting an & after the command, so e.g.:

firefox &

The bash will print out a job number for it e.g:

[1] 4510

means that the job number is 1. Then you can bring it back to the foreground when you want by fg and its job number, e.g.:

fg 1
  • 1
    I was typing the same answer, you beat me to it ;). I would like to add that it will show the PID number. you can stop the process by running kill <PID>
    – Wouter
    Dec 8, 2013 at 10:46

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