Is it possible to open a VS2010 solution in an IDE environment and build it and get the same output in ubuntu?
I mean pressing F5 runs the program (maybe via Wine) in the same way?
I don't mean .Net or C#. The projects in the solution are all pure native C++.

1 Answer 1


The entry in WineHQ rates Visual Studio 2010 as bronze. Which in this case means it installs and runs, but won't build a project.

Your next best bet would be to install vmware or virtualbox and then install Windows and Visual Studio 2010.

Alternatively you could build your code with Linux native tools/IDEs. Depending on the libraries you depend on and the C++ Standard you conform to, this should be feasible.

  • thanx 4 ur reply using virtual environments is not achievable because of my low memory. for first solution, i couldn't install VS2010. it ended with lots of errors. for the third solution, what IDE may open exactly the same .sln file and build it?
    – hamidi
    Nov 19, 2013 at 8:27
  • 1
    Apparently MonoDevelop supports '.sln'-files. You can get it from this PPA
    – MadMike
    Nov 19, 2013 at 9:54

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