I was wondering how I could possibly get my Belkin n52te gamepad working on this version of Ubuntu - ubuntu 13.10?

  • Welcome to Ask Ubuntu! We need more hardware information to help you, can you look at this question and then edit your question adding the information.
    – Danatela
    Oct 22, 2013 at 3:59

1 Answer 1


1. Install Monitoring and Remapping Application Needed for the Driver

It is Pystromo. It has to be download from Launchpad.

Press Ctrl+Alt+T to open terminal. Run these commands one by one in terminal;

cd ~/Downloads

sudo wget "https://launchpadlibrarian.net/18545559/pystromo-0.6.0.tar.gz"

sudo sed -i '$a uinput' /etc/modules

sudo modprobe uinput

tar -xvf pystromo-0.6.0.tar.gz

sudo cp pystromo/config/52-pystromo-debian.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

sudo udevadm trigger

mv pystromo ~/.config/

cp ~/.config/pystromo/config/* ~/.config/pystromo/

cp ~/.config/pystromo/lib/* ~/.config/pystromo/

sed -r 's:config/:~/.config/pystromo/config/:g' -i ~/.config/pystromo/monitor.conf

sudo python ~/.config/pystromo/pystromo-mon.py

In order to start it at boot,

  • Type "Startup Applications" in dash, select it and open.

  • Then Click on "Add" button.

  • In the new window, type "Pystromo" in Name field, and type "sudo python ~/.config/pystromo/pystromo-mon.py" in Command field. Then click on "Add" button.

Then you have to install the device driver.

2. Install Device Driver

It is Nostromo. You need to have Sun's Java JRE 1.6 installed to run it.

Can download Jnostromo from Sourceforge. After download install it with,

cd ~/Downloads

chmod +x jnostromo-1.5.2-linux-installer.run

sudo ./jnostromo-1.5.2-linux-installer.run

Driver installation prompt will start. After installation, you can run it with jnostromo Icon in desktop.(You need Sun's java JRE versionn 1.6)

  • Thank you, however at the end I get WARNING: Unable to load "/home/jev/.config/pystromo/monitor.conf" Oct 21, 2013 at 7:50
  • There was some mistakes in that article as well as in that file. I corrected them. Run sudo rm -r ~/.config/pystromo and repeat the whole process.
    – user224082
    Oct 21, 2013 at 13:47
  • I downloaded the file and after typing in sudo sh jnostromo-1.5.2-linux-installer.run I get jnostromo-1.5.2-linux-installer.run: 1: jnostromo-1.5.2-linux-installer.run: Syntax error: "(" unexpected Oct 22, 2013 at 4:43
  • Sorry, this time I done a mistake. Use sudo ./jnostromo-1.5.2-linux-installer.run instead of sudo sh jnostromo-1.5.2-linux-installer.run. Driver installation Prompt will start.
    – user224082
    Oct 22, 2013 at 6:01
  • OK! I got it up and running. Now trying to figure out how to get it to recognize my device and I'll be good to go lol Oct 22, 2013 at 6:16

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