for a few days now, i'm seeing automated .log files and folders on my home folder, they are recreated even after they are deleted, couldn't make sure the source of it...

  • file --> libpeerconnection.log
  • folder --> t-random-on-star
  • folder --> ww.example.com

is it a security breach or just bugs, how to be sure about this, how to check, how to learn more to secure and about security... any help is appreciated, thanks in advance...

here is the image of it.. http://www.anony.ws/kIMR

  • 1
    libpeerconnection.log is created by Chrome, it is a completely harmless known bug code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=239048 . No clue about the others but they are probably created by some software you installed. I don't think they are security breach.
    – Cubiq
    Aug 19, 2013 at 7:48

1 Answer 1


Without further details it may be hard to pinpoint what is going on.

If you use Chromium browser there is a reported issue stating that the browser creates the libpeerconnection.log file. If this is the case, there is a temporary fix until the issue is resolved.

Edit the /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome file and add cd/tmp before the last line:

'exec -a "$0" "$HERE/chrome" "$@"'

you can read more about this issue here.

As for the rest files again without further details it is not easy to find who is creating them. One solution is to use a program that monitors file creations - modifications, this may help narrowing down the search and the cause of the problem.

  • Monit can monitor files and directories for changes
  • Here is an answer at unix.stackexchange that describes the available options on how to monitor file creations and changes
  • This article describes how to use audit

But again keep in mind that these files - directories may not be a security threat but like the Chromium case, a wrong design decision during application's development.


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