How to open screen with many tabs?

How can I execute some commands within each tab, plus giving the main screen window a name to call it again later to execute other commands?

For example, I have a loop this is the code inside it:

gnomeTab+=( --tab -e "cpulimit -p $i -l $limitationPercentage ")

and I run the result after finishing the loop in gnome terminal like this:

gnome-terminal "${gnomeTab[@]}"

I want to do exactly as happens in the gnome terminal to open many tabs within the main terminal window and execute this command. But, I want to re-do this by GNUScreen.

in addition, I want to give the main screen window a name: For example: let it be "screen1"

  • Do you want to display the cpulimit in all screen tabs? May 5, 2013 at 13:36
  • i want in each tab to execute a cpulimit command to limit something or execute what ever i want in each tab and i want to give a name or title to the screen window the main one ,so i can call it later with its name and open more tabs within it May 5, 2013 at 13:38
  • See my answer over on Unix & Linux. Also, you probably weren't aware but you're not suppose to cross post on the Stack Exchange websites, which askubuntu is a part of.
    – slm
    May 6, 2013 at 1:59
  • no i didnt know that , i wont repeat it thanks for advice :) May 6, 2013 at 9:30

1 Answer 1


slm already answered it over here thanks to him

How to open tabs windows in Gnu-screen & execute commands within each one

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