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My computer boots to a black screen, what options do I have to fix it?

Just installed Ubuntu for the first time. I have it on two separate drives. When I boot (from my main drive with the Windows XP install) it gives me two options: -Windows -Ubuntu

if I select Ubuntu and hit enter, it goes to GNU GRUB version 1.99-21ubuntu3.

If I change the boot drive to the one with Linux on it, it boots perfectly. BUT I don't want that, I'd like a dual boot option and I'd like to be able to access the content on my Windows Hard Drive.

Any tips on how to fix this? I tried boot repair (running through the auto steps) and it didn't help.

  • 1
    @JacobJohanEdwards the OP did not mention anything about a black screen issue.
    – Peachy
    Aug 26, 2012 at 12:26

1 Answer 1


It seems your GRUB from first drive "chainloads" to GRUB at second drive. Try uninstalling GRUB from second and run update-grub on first one.

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