Every time I want to customise lightdm I find it frustrating that there is no obvious list of configuration options I could use in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.

Perhaps someone here knows where there is a definitive list of possible options?

  • I found a list once, and have been struggling to find it again, but no luck. The link provided by @Arcade is the developers' reference. I can't believe there is no clear list of the options and what they do! There should be an man entry for it ... but, alas, they shipped an LTS release without documentation ... see bug 883189
    – user79105
    Jul 25, 2012 at 2:30
  • The documentation is available, see my answer below.
    – mfisch
    Oct 2, 2012 at 3:29

3 Answers 3


For reference, lightdm.conf.gz contains the following:

# General configuration
# start-default-seat = True to always start one seat if none are defined in the configuration
# greeter-user = User to run greeter as
# minimum-display-number = Minimum display number to use for X servers
# minimum-vt = First VT to run displays on
# lock-memory = True to prevent memory from being paged to disk
# user-authority-in-system-dir = True if session authority should be in the system location
# guest-account-script = Script to be run to setup guest account
# logind-check-graphical = True to on start seats that are marked as graphical by logind
# log-directory = Directory to log information to
# run-directory = Directory to put running state in
# cache-directory = Directory to cache to
# sessions-directory = Directory to find sessions
# remote-sessions-directory = Directory to find remote sessions
# greeters-directory = Directory to find greeters
# backup-logs = True to move add a .old suffix to old log files when opening new ones

# Seat configuration
# Seat configuration is matched against the seat name glob in the section, for example:
# [Seat:*] matches all seats and is applied first.
# [Seat:seat0] matches the seat named "seat0".
# [Seat:seat-thin-client*] matches all seats that have names that start with "seat-thin-client".
# type = Seat type (xlocal, xremote, unity)
# pam-service = PAM service to use for login
# pam-autologin-service = PAM service to use for autologin
# pam-greeter-service = PAM service to use for greeters
# xserver-command = X server command to run (can also contain arguments e.g. X -special-option)
# xmir-command = Xmir server command to run (can also contain arguments e.g. Xmir -special-option)
# xserver-config = Config file to pass to X server
# xserver-layout = Layout to pass to X server
# xserver-allow-tcp = True if TCP/IP connections are allowed to this X server
# xserver-share = True if the X server is shared for both greeter and session
# xserver-hostname = Hostname of X server (only for type=xremote)
# xserver-display-number = Display number of X server (only for type=xremote)
# xdmcp-manager = XDMCP manager to connect to (implies xserver-allow-tcp=true)
# xdmcp-port = XDMCP UDP/IP port to communicate on
# xdmcp-key = Authentication key to use for XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1 (stored in keys.conf)
# unity-compositor-command = Unity compositor command to run (can also contain arguments e.g. unity-system-compositor -special-option)
# unity-compositor-timeout = Number of seconds to wait for compositor to start
# greeter-session = Session to load for greeter
# greeter-hide-users = True to hide the user list
# greeter-allow-guest = True if the greeter should show a guest login option
# greeter-show-manual-login = True if the greeter should offer a manual login option
# greeter-show-remote-login = True if the greeter should offer a remote login option
# user-session = Session to load for users
# allow-user-switching = True if allowed to switch users
# allow-guest = True if guest login is allowed
# guest-session = Session to load for guests (overrides user-session)
# session-wrapper = Wrapper script to run session with
# greeter-wrapper = Wrapper script to run greeter with
# guest-wrapper = Wrapper script to run guest sessions with
# display-setup-script = Script to run when starting a greeter session (runs as root)
# display-stopped-script = Script to run after stopping the display server (runs as root)
# greeter-setup-script = Script to run when starting a greeter (runs as root)
# session-setup-script = Script to run when starting a user session (runs as root)
# session-cleanup-script = Script to run when quitting a user session (runs as root)
# autologin-guest = True to log in as guest by default
# autologin-user = User to log in with by default (overrides autologin-guest)
# autologin-user-timeout = Number of seconds to wait before loading default user
# autologin-session = Session to load for automatic login (overrides user-session)
# autologin-in-background = True if autologin session should not be immediately activated
# exit-on-failure = True if the daemon should exit if this seat fails

# XDMCP Server configuration
# enabled = True if XDMCP connections should be allowed
# port = UDP/IP port to listen for connections on
# listen-address = Host/address to listen for XDMCP connections (use all addresses if not present)
# key = Authentication key to use for XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1 or blank to not use authentication (stored in keys.conf)
# hostname = Hostname to report to XDMCP clients (defaults to system hostname if unset)
# The authentication key is a 56 bit DES key specified in hex as 0xnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.  Alternatively
# it can be a word and the first 7 characters are used as the key.

# VNC Server configuration
# enabled = True if VNC connections should be allowed
# command = Command to run Xvnc server with
# port = TCP/IP port to listen for connections on
# listen-address = Host/address to listen for VNC connections (use all addresses if not present)
# width = Width of display to use
# height = Height of display to use
# depth = Color depth of display to use

They are all available here:

  • 2
    Sadly, that doc appears to be years out of date, and full of lies.
    – ʇsәɹoɈ
    Apr 29, 2016 at 19:05

There is no accurate list of options available. You will find an old list on your system:

zless /usr/share/doc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.gz

But that list has been out of date since at least 2014, when the [Seat:0] mechanism for specifying multiple displays was deprecated and removed:


With LightDM 1.11.7 we have new behaviour for multi-seat configuration. Thanks to the great work of Laércio de Sousa LightDM now starts seats as defined by logind. I have taken the decision to deprecate the old manual method of specifying seats as I think it is confusing to have two systems trying to define what seats exist. … If you were previously defining seats in the LightDM configuration like this: [Seat:0] … These seats will not be started and this configuration will be ignored.

  • nice to know, but i don't use a lightdm based system anymore, so I can't confirm a) what zless is or that it exists by default on a lightdm based system, or b) that your link contains or will contain what you claim, now or in the unforseen future. (hint, quote the relevant part here in your answer).
    – airtonix
    Mar 1, 2016 at 22:08
  • 1
    zless is part of the standard gzip package that is installed on all Linux and BSD systems worldwide. Mar 1, 2016 at 22:41

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