The Microsoft Wireless Keyboard 3000 v2.0 has a new key called a "flip key" where the right windows button should be (to the right of the right alt key).

This is a picture, the key in question is called "Windows Flip": http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/en-us/p/digital-media-keyboard-3000#details

I am using Ubuntu 11.10 and this key is not recognized at all by the system: I have run "sudo showkey" with no results.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I would like to map this to be a Right-Super key as it should be.

  • leave it to MS to figure something out that only they can use
    – Ringtail
    Mar 24, 2012 at 6:24

1 Answer 1


I have exactly the same keyboard, and i noticed that the events for these special keys are sent to /dev/usb/hiddev0. So i started making a tool for reading them. It's still in early stage, but working. You can find it here: http://github.com/rockman81/Touche


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