I am having a very big problem and that is, whenever I add a new user (via command line with adduser krishna command) the user is created but it's home folder or it's own private folder isn't created but some times it works (tried 15 times worked 3 times) so please can anyone help me out. One more thing it creates the user account but doesn't create it's folder, please help me am a newbie in Ubuntu.

Output:- Nothing just the newline & waiting for the next command..When it didn't create any folder, but when the folder was too created, it asked for unix password, retype password, full name, work, and 2 more options.

  • useradd username will not create a homedir by default, and will not output anything; just create the user. adduser username will ask you questions about the new user, such as the real name, what password to set etc. Make sure you use adduser, not useradd.
    – geirha
    Feb 26, 2012 at 13:57
  • geirha and MacroCeppi thank you very much i've got it, i guess i would have misprinted it, anyways thank you for ur help and precious time.. Feb 26, 2012 at 14:01

1 Answer 1


It would appear as though you're using useradd and not adduser. The former will simply create a user account in the /etc/passwd file and nothing more (unless you use the -m flag, or use -D), this command also outputs nothing when it successfully completes. The latter (adduser) is the one that prompts for additional information, including password, and GECOS information. Make sure you use this command going forward unless you wish to modify the defaults for which a user's account is created.

  • @MacroCeppi actually i was confused with userdel and keeping this command in mind i typed useradd.. Feb 26, 2012 at 14:04
  • @KrishnaSarswat In that respect, you may wish to use deluser going forward, as it'll also clean up the home folder and everything else adduser creates :) Feb 26, 2012 at 14:06
  • oh thank you i'll keep that in mind while deleting a user =) Feb 26, 2012 at 14:08

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