I'm using Ubuntu Server 11.10 Oneric, kernel 3.0.0-14-server.

I installed ZFS from ppa and created zpool and mounted it at /zfstankdir.

Then I installed LXC and created Ubuntu container.

Now I want to bind /zfstankdir to /mycontainer/rootfs/zfstankdir

So I did it in Host machine through /etc/fstab

/zfstankdir /mycontainer/rootfs/zfstankdir      none defaults,bind      0       0

But in lxc container I see content of the /zfstankdir mount point directory instead of zpool content.

Question is: how to bind to container content of zpool?

1 Answer 1


The bind is happening before ZFS is ready.

You need the enhanced mountall utility from the daily PPA. Run apt-add-repository ppa:zfs-native/daily, do a full upgrade, and try again.

If the problem persists, then please open an issue here:


  • Thanks Darik. I just added daily repository and did a full upgrade. Now in my LXC container I see contents of zpool!
    – BBK
    Jan 2, 2012 at 13:56

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