Let's say Tuesday December 20, I need to leave the house at 10 AM. I'd like a pop-up notifier that reminds me (and stays on the screen until I've hit "ok"). What program works best for this?

1 Answer 1


There are several methods to accomplish this from command line tools to calendars. What features are you looking for ?

Evolution has a notification system.

In Evolution Options -> Reminders

If that is not going to work out for you, please describe why not or what features you need/desire.

  • I use Thunderbird (so unfortunately Evolution doesn't work for me). The features I'm after are pretty simple: 1) Enter date/time, text of reminder. (Example: December 13, 2 PM. Leave for dentist appointment.) 2) Pop-up box comes up, in front of any windows I have open. It stays there until I've hit "ok". ("Alarm Clock" for Gnome fits most of my wants, but opens underneath the windows that are already there.) I'm happy with a command line program, if there is one that fits the above requirements. Thanks so much.
    – begtognen
    Dec 8, 2011 at 18:54
  • Oh! And if the computer wasn't on at the correct time, I'd be notified as soon as I turned the computer on again. (Not a necessity, but a great addition.)
    – begtognen
    Dec 8, 2011 at 18:58
  • Try kalarm. Most, if not all, of the command line options are going to require that the machine is on at the time.
    – Panther
    Dec 8, 2011 at 19:19
  • Kalarm looks like it's definitely going to work for me, thanks so much. Do you know if there's a way to control where the display box pops up?
    – begtognen
    Dec 8, 2011 at 21:39
  • Aha - I found it, in the preferences. (There's even a "delay close button", which is perfect for me.)
    – begtognen
    Dec 8, 2011 at 21:56

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