While browsing files in nautilus, I want to open a tex file with Kile. But, when I get to a dialog similar to the screenshot below, I do not see Kile. Yet, I see it in the "Open With" menu.

How do I fix this?


  • This question is also useful for any association of a filetype with any application. I recommend using the second method listed in the answer (editing mimeapps.list). Dec 15, 2011 at 15:03

1 Answer 1


In GNOME3 when apps that show on the right click Open With Other Application context menu but not on the right click Properties menu do so because the Exec= line in the apps .desktop doesn't end with a %letter

That's the case with Kile. The 2 most likely letters would be f or U, I'd try U first.

gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/kde4/kile.desktop

Make the Exec= line look like this

Exec=kile %U     

Should then show (do a log out/in if needed)

Copied from my answer here.

Alternate method

An alternate method, (to set as default), on a per user basis would be to edit ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list

In the [Default Applications] section you'd look for this line for plain text, text/plain= and this line for LaTex files, text/x-tex=

You'd edit either or both to set Kile as default as such


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