I'd like to change chromium language from English to Italian on an Ubuntu 12.04 based on English locale. Thanks for helping

3 Answers 3


After trying many solutions that did not work for me, here's something that just worked fine (not on Ubuntu but Linux Mint).

 sudo apt-get install chromium-browser-l10n

well for only one application means not possible but you can do it with placing a new environment variable.

I mean open your terminal and type as

sudo apt-get install language-pack-it
export LANG=it_IT.UTF-8

this is to launch chromium from terminal and it will be in Italian. when you close the terminal the session of Italian language will be gone.


I believe, when you say chromium, it means chromium browser.

Here are the steps for anyone else interested.

  1. Install language pack. $ sudo apt-get install language-pack-it

  2. Find the "startup script" of chromium-browser. $ vim which chromium-browser

  3. Add the following line in "startup script". $ export LANG=it_IT.UTF-8

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