What is best way to install a Cisco VPN client application in Ubuntu?

  • Which client are we talking about here? VPNC? AnyConnect? Or the network-manager-vpnc plug-in? Or are you asking "what clients are available?" in which case, I might just have answered you in this comment...
    – Scaine
    Mar 19, 2011 at 19:52
  • am not sure ..the configuration that i have , name, password ,Authentication Type: Group Authentication,Transport Type: IPSec over UDP,Public IP address , normally i install Cisco vpn client application and add the configuration in windows BUT now am using ubuntu which application should i use ??
    – moata_u
    Mar 19, 2011 at 20:53

4 Answers 4


You need to install network-manager-vpnc, then configure it through network manager.

sudo apt-get install network-manager-vpnc

That will install vpnc, network-manager-vpnc and network-manager-vpnc-gnome.

Now LEFT click on your network manager applet :

Network Manager

And choose "Configure VPN...", then click "Add" and drop the menu to "Cisco Compatible VPN".

VPN Configureation

And enter your details. To start your VPN, just follow the steps again, but instead of "Configure VPN", you'll click on the entry you created.

  • i experienced strange "restart your pc to make authentication work" problem with this. If it says "wrong authentification just try to restart your pc".
    – aatdark
    Mar 19, 2011 at 22:34
  • vpn connection failed...i tried make restart many times....same issue....
    – moata_u
    Mar 20, 2011 at 6:12
  • should i install cisco certificate...encryption method should be the same .....
    – moata_u
    Mar 20, 2011 at 6:36
  • 1
    also if your administrator gives you a .pcf file (or you can find it on a windows machine), you can just hit import and all your connection details will get filled in automagically. May 5, 2011 at 16:45
  • 3
    @JayWong I had to manually sudo apt install network-manager-vpnc-gnome for it to show up in the GUI.
    – FriendFX
    Jun 7, 2017 at 6:21

There seems to be a problem on 16.04 with Cisco VPN when installing only network-manager-vpnc. Option for Cisco VPN simply doesn't show in the list.

Another solution is to install

sudo apt-get install openconnect network-manager-openconnect-gnome

then restart network manager. Unfortunately I am unable to provide auth details.

Last but not least is to do this by manually adding file to /etc/vpnc and running it through vpnc command, this one should work, more about it here: https://www.debuntu.org/how-to-connect-to-a-cisco-vpn-with-vpnc/

edit: I probably missed installing something, this works for GUI version:

sudo apt-get install network-manager-vpnc network-manager-vpnc-gnome

Btw, as a performance tip after successfully installing following Scaine's answer, you might also want to enable the option to only use the VPN connection for resources on its network.

  • good advice, another is to check that the NAT transversal is correct, for my place of work I need to use "cisco-UDP". another one is set up local routes (e.g. to use the local gateway (e.g. (this is important to print in local network printers).
    – alfC
    Nov 7, 2011 at 6:24

There is also another way to use Cisco VPN installing kvpnc which is a vpn client for different vpn; I used it and it is quite simple to use. It is available directly in the Ubuntu Software Center:


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