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Quickly place a window to another screen using only the keyboard

Sort of like CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+Arrow but only to my other monitor, not to a completely separate workspace.


1 Answer 1


depending on your monitor setup you can try the (awesome) shortcuts ctrl+alt+numX, where numX is a number on the numpad.

great for quickly resizing a window and/or moving it on the screen.

e.g. ctrl+alt+num4 puts the window on the left side of the screen, ctrl+alt+num6 puts it on the right

  • 4
    I don't think this works for multiple monitors May 7, 2011 at 12:32
  • 5
    This does work with multiple monitors, but it's monitor sensitive, so if the window is on my left monitor and I press CTRL+ALT+NUM9, it will get moved to the top-right corner of my left monitor. But I'd like something that will move it to the right monitor, at which point I could CTRL+ALT+NUM9 to put it in the top-right corner of my right monitor. May 8, 2011 at 4:03

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