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How do I clean up my harddrive?

Every 5 months I start running out of space on my root partition... I scramble to erase documentation, remove log files, and keep only a single kernel so as to keep enough space. And then every time I run a distribution upgrade (cdromupgrade) I end up with about a gig more space even though it keeps all the same programs installed.

Anyone know where the kruft is?

  • I'll try the recommendations in the link but I won't have an answer for a while since I just installed 11.4. Apr 22, 2011 at 2:11

3 Answers 3


You may want to run sudo du -x --max-depth=1 / | sort -n to see where your space is going. You can walk the directories to get a better idea where the space is going. I generally find the space ends up being in few directories.

You may want to try running sudo apt-get clean to remove all the debs from the cache directory. The directory /var/cache/apt/archives can grow quite large if you don't clean it out. Once the packages are installed, you don't need the .deb archived. They are helpful if you need to reinstall the package, or find the original version of a file that was installed.


You can try running sudo apt-get autoremove and sudo apt-get autoclean which may free up some space. Normally the update manager should do this for you but perhaps cdromupgrade doesn't.

  • i do this regularly in order to keep enough breathing space. Apr 21, 2011 at 22:26
  • the problem is not with cdromupgrade. the upgrade is what frees the space. the problem is with the updates and the normal running of the system over the 5 months. Apr 21, 2011 at 22:27

KDirStat is a fairly direct way of finding where all your space is going.

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