I have faced this problem a lot of time. I have installed an app from sw center but its still not showing up in dashboard. Like I installed GCC and its showing as installed but not getting how to open it. So tell me how to solve this problem for once and for all.

2 Answers 2


All program do not have a graphical interface. It does not make sense to have a launchers for programs like that.

gcc is one of these programs.

You can invoke them from the terminal. Start the terminal and start the program from there.

  • Then how to use gcc and is there any other good C/C++ compiler. I used to use Dev C++ on windows. Jan 11, 2013 at 22:04
  • gcc -o program program.c. But I think that what you are after is a IDE, like kdevelop, anjuta, eclipse etc.
    – McNisse
    Jan 11, 2013 at 22:31
  • I dont need eclipse or netbeans for this... That I use for java and adnroid. What I need is something like Dev C++, which is available for linux but even not getting how to use it. Thanks Jan 13, 2013 at 12:54

go back an click on More-info button in sw center (in your case you will find it in installed->#categories#->yourApp) to see if there is dependics libraries for graphical interface

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