On my desktop I currently have a right click menu that looks like:

right click LXDE menu

However, I want to have the full system menu that looks like this show up:

LXDE system menu

How do I do that?

2 Answers 2


Right click on Desktop > Desktop Preferences > Advanced > chekbox [Show menu bla-bla...]

  • I couldn't vote this down because my reputation is not sufficient, however this is not what the user is seeking. The first picture shows what the user is experiencing WITH that a check in Desktop > Desktop Preferences > Advanced > chekbox [Show menu...]
    – Joshua K
    Dec 28, 2012 at 19:57

You're really looking for obm-xdg.


I'm using it as a pipe menu and calling it with this command:

obm-xdg /etc/xdg/menus/lxde-applications.menu

Here's the manpage.


You can use any .menu file, so feel free to try gnome.menu or debian.menu too.

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