I want to install MySql 5.1 on ubuntu 12.04 64-bit. The reason for MySql 5.1 is that I want to use it with SQLAlchemy (python) which does not support MySql 5.5. If I try to search repository there is only MySql 5.5. I tried sudo apt-get install mysql-server=5.1.58 but E: Version ‘5.1.66’ for ‘mysql-server’ was not found I found package on this page https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.1/5.1.66-0ubuntu0.11.10.2 and downloaded it. I have a problem with installing it.

Is there an option for apt-get to read from the directory?

  • 1
    SQLAlchemy does work with MySQL 5.5. In fact, it's DB API driver which does all the low-level stuff, so SQLAlchemy would work with MySQL 6.0 or 7.0 right now without changes if you have a driver. This link: groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/sqlalchemy/… - suggest that the issue is either caused by you using the connection in not thread-safe manner or by some obscure bug in the driver. Trying another DB API driver (OurSQL or PyMySQL) makes more sense in the latter case
    – Sergey
    Nov 9, 2012 at 2:23
  • I have mySql 5.1 on other machines, so I thought the easiest will be to stay with this version and get it on ubuntu as well especially if it does not cause a problem
    – tomasz74
    Nov 9, 2012 at 2:26

1 Answer 1

dpkg -i <packagename>

is the command to install a downloaded package. See man dpkg for more details.

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