I have a small screen with my laptop. In Firefox, I change the default page zoom level using the NoSquint extension, but I'm a Gnome user and I would prefer using Epiphany (Web)...

Is it possible to set a default page zoom level in Epiphany browser (Web) ?

I use Epiphany (Web) 3.6 on Ubuntu Gnome Remix 12.10.



3 Answers 3


This can be done with the dconf editor. I have issues with High DPI and needed the default zoom at 75%. In the dconf editor go to org/gnome/epiphany/web/default-zoom-level. A value of 1.0 is 100%, and you can do the math to get what you need.

enter image description here

  • 6 years later ;-) Seems like the option has been added in the meantime ! Thanks you !
    – remjg
    May 14, 2018 at 8:20

Im using Epiphany on a Raspberry Pi. From the browser, I selected Settings → Preferences → Fonts and Style → Use Custom Stylesheet, and then wrote a stylesheet (which needs to be at /home/pi/.config/epiphany) to change the size of the text. However, this is not ideal because the CSS settings can be over-ridden by the pages visited. As I’m new to this, I’ve yet to discover where the Use Custom Stylesheet setting is actually stored.


If you only want text zoom then press CTRL and + sign. If you want full page zoom, then check out this solution here: http://gitorious.org/epiphany-fullzoom

  • Sorry but Ctrl+ produces a page zoom, not a text zoom. My issue is that I don't want to do it for every website I see, so I need a way to tell epiphany That I want every page to be 120 % larger for example. epiphany-fullzoom extension seems to have never started, files are almost empty. Thank you for your answer anyway !
    – remjg
    Oct 27, 2012 at 18:25

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