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Access Windows 7 Files from Ubuntu 12.04

I am using ubuntu 12.04 side by side with windows 7. I installed ubuntu in a drive which also contained windows folder. But the drive is not shown in ubuntu! How do i access that folder?

Thank you.

  • is it a WUBI installation?
    – Prasad RD
    Sep 22, 2012 at 5:43

2 Answers 2


it is located in /host folder.

Go to the 'file system' then you will find host directory. It contains all the files of windows.

  • There I get it. /host fonder contained the folder I wanted. Thanks.
    – pranphy
    Sep 22, 2012 at 6:17

You can find very detailed instructions here. Alternatively, try these solutions:

  1. solution. Install a program called ntfs-config, either from Ubuntu software centre, or by typing

    sudo apt-get install ntfs-config

    Run that program, select the disk to mount.

  2. solution, using command line:

    First, find out what the ID of your NTFS disk is. Run this program from command line:

    sudo blkid

    That will a line for each partition, showing the volume UUID as well as the format. One of these should have the format "ntfs". This is your Windows partition. Now run

    udisks --mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/XXXXX

    where XXXXX is the UID of your Windows partition.

  3. solution, mounting automatically at boot time: read this answer.

Please, however, note that you cannot mount hibernated Windows partitions.

Do not hesitate to come back if you have problems with any of these.

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